Thursday, 26 March 2020

SAP MM TCODES with Description

Purchasing Menu
This transaction gives users access to the purchasing menu. The areas accessible from this menu include the purchase order, purchase requisition, outline agreement, request for quotation, master data and purchasing reports.

Maintain Source List
This transaction is used to create a source list for a material at a specified plant. The selection screen requires a material and a plant to be entered. On the detail screen, the user can add a list of available sources of supply for a material, entering the periods during which procurement from each vendor is possible. The user can flag a vendor as the preferred source of supply for the material and also flag vendors as blocked for procurement.

Display Source List
This transaction is used to display the source list for a material at a specific plant. The selection screen requires a material and a plant to be entered. The display will show a list of vendors if a list has been maintained. The source list shows the valid from and to dates for each vendor, the vendor number, purchasing organization and outline agreement, if relevant.

Changes to Source List
This transaction shows the changes that have been made to a source list for a specific material. The selection requires a material and plant to be entered. The user can restrict the resulting display by entering the person’s name whose changes to the source list are to be shown and a date from which all changes are to be viewed. The resulting display shows the details of the change to the source list including user ID, date and time of the change, document change number and the values that were changed.

Generate Source List
This transaction is used to generate a source list using the system rather than manually entering values. The initial screen allows a single or range of materials to be selected and the dates from which the system will review the transactions to develop the source list. If the test run indicator on the selection screen is highlighted, the system will display a simulation of the source list changes, rather than make the changes.

Analyse Source List
This transaction is used to analyse the source list for a material or range of materials. The selection screen allows the user to enter a range of dates between which the analysis should be performed. The resulting display will show, for each material/plant combination, whether there is a source list missing.

Reorganize Source List
This transaction is used to reorganize the source list. The user is required to enter a material and the date before which all records are to be deleted. The transaction will delete all source list entries before the date entered and is used to remove out of date source list records.

Send Source List
This transaction is used to send source lists to another system via ALE. It is possible to restrict the source lists to be sent by entering a material, material class or plant. The user can enter the logical system where the source list is to be sent.

Source List for Material
This transaction is used to display the source lists for a given material. The selection screen allows the user to enter a material or range of materials, and a plant or range of plants. If no values are entered, the resulting display will show all the source lists for all materials.

Create Purchasing Info Record
This transaction is used to create a purchasing information record for a material. The info record can be for a material/vendor combination or for a material group/vendor combination. The user can select the type of info record to be created: standard, subcontracting, pipeline or consignment. The info record can contain the net price for the material or material group charged by the specified vendor, as well as other information on delivery time, minimum quantity, purchasing group and shelf life.

Change Purchasing Info Record
This transaction allows the user to change an existing purchasing info record. The info record number can be entered or the user can enter a combination of vendor number, plant, material and purchasing organization to access the record. The user can change values in the  info record, such as net price for the material or material group charged by the specified vendor, as well as other information on delivery time, minimum quantity, and purchasing group.

Display Purchasing Info Record
This transaction is used to display the details of an existing purchasing info record. The info record number can be entered or the user can enter a combination of vendor number, plant, material and purchasing organization to display the info record.

Changes to Purchasing Info Record
This transaction is used to display changes that have been made to a purchasing info record. The selection screen requires that a purchasing info record number is to be entered, but the results can be restricted by entering the user ID of the person who made the change and the change date. The resulting display shows the entry and the change details of the info record, including the date of change, document change number and the table and field that was changed.

Flag Info Record for Deletion
This transaction is used to flag a purchasing info record for deletion. The info record number can be entered or the user can enter a combination of vendor number, plant, material and purchasing organization to flag the info record for deletion. The user can select either the complete info record for deletion or just the data for the purchasing organization.

Deletion Proposals for Info Records
This transaction is used to delete purchasing info records based on the selection entered. The transaction allows the user to enter the vendor, material, material group, purchasing organization, plant and purchasing group. The key date for the document or the entry date must be entered for this transaction. This process is useful to delete info records for vendors who are no longer used by your company.

Archive Purchasing Info Records
This transaction is used to archive purchasing info records. Before a record is ready to be  archived, it must have the deletion flag set, which can be achieved using transaction ME15.

Send Purchasing Info Records
This transaction is used to send purchasing info records to another system via ALE. It is possible to restrict the purchasing info records to be sent by entering a vendor, material, material class or info record number. The user can enter the logical system where the source list is to be sent.

Archived Purchasing Info Records
This transaction is used to access archived purchasing info records. The archived info records can only be accessed if read from a flat file, which has to be on an application server. If the archived records are held externally, then they will need to be loaded onto the server in order to be accessed.

Quotation Price History
This transaction is used to display price history from the purchasing info record. The resulting display can be restricted by entering a vendor, material, material group, purchasing organization, plant or purchasing group. The report will show the current price for each relevant purchasing info record. The price details can be accessed from the results screen.

Info Records per Vendor
This transaction is used to display all the purchasing info records for a single or range of vendors. The output can be restricted by entering a material, material group, purchasing organization, plant or purchasing group. The output shows the purchasing info record details for each vendor within the selection criteria.

Purchasing Info Records per Material
This transaction is used to display all the purchasing info records for a single or range of materials. The output can be restricted by entering a vendor, material group, purchasing organization, plant or purchasing group. The output shows the purchasing info record details for each material within the selection criteria.

Purchase Order Price History
This transaction is used to display the purchase order price for each purchase info record. The selection can be restricted by vendor, material, material group, purchasing organization and plant. The output is in purchase info record sequence and shows the purchase order detail for each purchase info record. The date, net price, quantity, purchase order number and variance are shown for each purchase order.

Purchasing Info Records per Material Group
This transaction is used to display the purchasing info records for a material group. The selection can be restricted by material group, vendor, purchasing organization, plant and
purchasing group. The output is in material group order and shows all the relevant purchasing info records for each material group. The details of the purchasing info record include the net price from the info record and the net price from purchase orders.

Print Buyer’s Negotiation Sheet for Vendor
This transaction is used to display the purchasing information record data for each material that has been purchased from the vendor selected. The selection criteria can be restricted by entering the vendor, purchasing organization, and material.

Print Buyer’s Negotiation Sheet for Material
This transaction is used to display the purchasing information record data for vendors based on the material that has been entered. The output shows the information on the vendors who have been used to purchase the material, including the terms of payment, terms of delivery, and vendor evaluation scores.

Create Purchase Order
This transaction is used to create a purchase order. The initial screen requires a vendor, purchasing organization, purchasing group, and delivery date to be entered. The transaction requires that a material, quantity, plant and price are entered. The transaction has been superseded by transaction ME21N.

Create Purchase Order
This transaction is used to create a purchase order. This transaction superseded transaction ME21. The difference between this transaction and ME21 is that this transaction shows the data on a single screen rather than a number of separate screens.

Change Purchase Order
This transaction is used to change a purchase order. The initial screen requires a purchase order number to be entered. The transaction allows the user to change the purchase order quantity for each line item as well as the price. The transaction has been superseded by transaction ME22N.

Change Purchase Order
This transaction is used to change a purchase order and has superseded transaction ME22. The transaction allows the user to change the purchase order quantity for each line item as well as the price. The details of the purchase order are on one screen, unlike ME22 where information is on separate screens.

Display Purchase Order
This transaction is used to display a purchase order. The initial screen requires a purchase order number to be entered. The transaction allows the user to display the details of the purchase order. The transaction has been superseded by transaction ME23N.

Display Purchase Order
This transaction is used to display a purchase order and has superseded transaction ME23. The transaction allows the user to display the details of the purchase order on a single screen, rather than separate screen as with transaction ME23.

Maintain Purchase Order Supplement
This transaction is used to add or change header texts for an existing purchase order. The initial screen requires a single purchase order number to be entered. The transaction allows the user to add text in a number of fields: header text, header note, pricing types, deadlines and terms of delivery.

Create Purchase Order with Source Determination
This transaction allows the user to create a purchase order where the vendor can be determined by the transaction. The initial screen requires the user to enter an order type, purchase order date, and purchasing group. The user can highlight the source determination flag, which allows the system to suggest a vendor if one source of supply exists, or, if a number of sources exist, the user can select a vendor.

Display Purchase Order Supplement
This transaction is used to display header texts for a purchase order. The user is required to enter a single purchase order number. The transaction will display the header texts for the purchase order number that was entered.

Create Purchase Order with Transfer Order
This transaction is used to create a stock transport order between two plants. The initial screen requires the supplying plant, purchasing organization, purchasing group and purchase order date to be entered. The detail screen requires the receiving plant, material and quantity to be entered.

Release Purchasing Documents
This transaction allows the user to release purchase orders that are subject to a release strategy. If purchase orders need to be approved before being sent to the vendor, then a release strategy can be configured. This transaction is used by approvers to release purchase orders that they approve. The purchase order is then released to the vendor or to the next level of approval in the release strategy.

Release Purchasing Documents
This transaction is used to release a purchase document, such as a purchase order or a stock transport order. This transaction is similar to ME28, but shows all the information for the purchasing document on a single screen.

Monitor Vendor Confirmations This transaction is used to display vendor confirmations. The initial screen requires a confirmation category to be entered, such as order acknowledgement or shipping notification. The output can be restricted by purchasing document, purchasing organization, purchasing group or vendor.

Purchasing Documents per Requirement Tracking Number
This transaction is used to display the purchasing documents with a specific requirement tracking number. The initial screen has a number of criteria that can be entered to restrict the output, including purchasing organization, purchasing group, plant, delivery date, vendor, material and material group.

Purchasing Documents for Material Group
This transaction is used to display the purchasing documents with a specific material group. The initial screen has a number of criteria that can be entered to restrict the output, including purchasing organization, purchasing group, plant, delivery date, vendor, material, and item category.

Purchasing Documents per Project
This transaction is used to display the purchasing documents with a specific project. The initial screen has a number of criteria that can be entered to restrict the output, including WBS element, network, activity, purchasing organization, purchasing group, and plant.

Purchasing Documents per Account Assignment
This transaction is used to display the purchasing documents with a specific account assignment. The initial screen has a number of criteria that can be entered to restrict the output, including WBS element, order, asset, network, activity, purchasing organization, purchasing group, plant, and vendor.

Purchasing Documents for Vendor
This transaction is used to display the purchasing documents with a specific vendor. The initial screen has a number of criteria that can be entered to restrict the output, including purchasing organization, purchasing group, plant, material, material group, and delivery date.

Purchasing Documents for Material
This transaction is used to display the purchasing documents with a specific material. The initial screen has a number of criteria that can be entered to restrict the output, including plant, purchasing organization, purchasing group, delivery date, vendor, and material group.

Purchasing Documents per Document Number
This transaction is used to display the purchasing documents with a specific document  number. The initial screen has a number of criteria that can be entered to restrict the output, including purchasing organization, plant, purchasing group, vendor, and delivery date.

Subcontractor Stock Monitoring for Vendor
This transaction is used to display the materials that have been sent to a subcontracting vendor. The output shows the material details, batch number and quantity of material at each subcontracting vendor. The selection criteria can be restricted by vendor, material, plant and requirement date.

Purchase Order Reporting with Services
This transaction shows purchase orders that contain services. The initial screen shows a number of selection criteria that can restrict the output including vendor, purchasing organization, purchasing group, plant, purchase order number, service number, and service type. The output shows each purchase order and the entered quantity and value, accepted quantity, settled value, and invoiced quantity, and value for each line item.

Expected Goods Receipts
This transaction shows the expected goods receipts for a specific or range of plants. The initial screen shows a number of selection criteria that can restrict the output including plant, delivery date, vendor and material. The output shows the plant and the expected date for the receipt.

Purchasing Documents per Supplying Plant
This transaction is used to display the purchasing documents for a supplying plant. The initial screen shows a number of selection criteria that can restrict the output including purchasing organization, purchasing group and plant. The output is shown in vendor/supplying plant order, with each purchasing document displayed. Each line item shows the purchasing document type, purchasing organization, purchasing group, material group, quantity and net price.

Create Outline Agreement
This transaction is used to create an outline agreement, which can be referenced to a purchase requisition or a request for quotation. The outline agreement can be either a contract or a scheduling agreement. A contract can be for predetermined quantity or predefined value. A scheduling agreement is a long term purchase agreement with a vendor to supply a quantity of material or material up to a certain value.

Create Contract
This transaction is used to create a contract, which can be for a specific value of material or quantity of material. The initial screen requires a vendor, agreement type, purchasing organization and purchasing group to be entered. Depending on the agreement type, the user is required to enter either a target value or a target quantity for the contract.

Create Scheduling Agreement
This transaction is used to create a scheduling agreement with a vendor. The initial screen requires a vendor, agreement type, purchasing organization and purchasing group to be entered. The user will need to enter a validity end date, the material and material target quantity.

Change Outline Agreement
This transaction allows the user to change the details of an outline agreement. The initial screen requires a single outline agreement number to be entered. The target quantity for a line item can be changed as well as underdelivery and overdelivery percentages, tax code, shipping instructions and tracking number.

Change Contract
This transaction allows the user to change the details of a value or quantity contract. The initial screen requires a single contract number to be entered. The target quantity for a line item can be changed as well as underdelivery and overdelivery percentages, tax code, shipping instructions and tracking number.

Change Scheduling Agreement
This transaction allows the user to change the details of a scheduling agreement. The initial screen requires a single scheduling agreement number to be entered. The target quantity for a line item can be changed as well as underdelivery and overdelivery percentages, tax code, shipping instructions and tracking number.

Display Outline Agreement
This transaction allows the user to display the details of an outline agreement. The initial screen requires a single outline agreement number to be entered. The details of the outline agreement can then be displayed.

Display Contract
This transaction allows the user to display the details of a value or quantity contract. The initial screen requires a single contract number to be entered. The details of the contract can then be displayed.

Display Scheduling Agreement
This transaction allows the user to display the details of a scheduling agreement. The initial screen requires a single scheduling agreement number to be entered. The details of the scheduling agreement can then be displayed.

Maintain Outline Agreement Supplement
This transaction is used to change header texts for an outline agreement. The user is required to enter a single outline agreement number. The transaction will display the text supplements for the outline agreement number that was entered, including the header text, header note, pricing types, deadlines, and terms of delivery.

Maintain Contract Supplement
This transaction is used to maintain header texts for a contract. The user is required to enter a single contract number. The transaction will display the text supplements for the contract number that was entered, including the release order text, header text, header note, pricing types, and deadlines.

Maintain Scheduling Agreement Supplement
This transaction is used to change header texts for a scheduling agreement. The user is required to enter a single scheduling agreement number. The transaction will display the text supplements for the scheduling agreement number that was entered, including the header text, header note, pricing types, deadlines, and terms of delivery.

Release Purchasing Documents
This transaction allows the user to release outline agreements that are subject to a release strategy. If outline agreements need to be approved before being sent to the vendor, then a release strategy can be configured. This transaction is used by approvers to release outline agreements that they approve. The outline agreement is then released to the vendor or to the next level of approval in the release strategy.

Release Contracts
This transaction allows the user to release contracts that are subject to a release strategy. If contracts need to be approved before being sent to the vendor, then a release strategy can be configured. This transaction is used by approvers to release contracts that they approve. The contract is then released to the vendor or to the next level of approval in the release strategy.

Release Scheduling Agreements
This transaction allows the user to release scheduling agreements that are subject to a release strategy. If scheduling agreements need to be approved before being sent to the vendor, then a release strategy can be configured. This transaction is used by approvers to release scheduling agreements that they approve. The scheduling agreement is then released to the vendor or to the next level of approval in the release strategy.

Display Outline Agreement Supplement
This transaction is used to display header texts for an outline agreement. The user is required to enter a single outline agreement number. The transaction will display the text supplements for the outline agreement number that was entered, including the header text, header note, pricing types, deadlines, and terms of delivery.

Create Transport Scheduling Agreement
This transaction is used to create a transport scheduling agreement between plants. The initial screen requires a supplying plant, agreement type (LU), purchasing organization and purchasing group to be entered. The user will need to enter a validity end date, receiving plant, the material and material target quantity.

Maintain Scheduling Agreement Schedule
This transaction allows the user to change the details of a transport scheduling agreement. The initial screen requires a single transport scheduling agreement number to be entered. The target quantity for a line item can be changed as well as under delivery and over delivery percentages, tax code, shipping instructions and tracking number.

Display Scheduling Agreement Schedule
This transaction allows the user to display the details of a transport scheduling agreement. The initial screen requires a single transport scheduling agreement number to be entered. The details of the transport scheduling agreement can then be displayed.

Purchasing Documents per Requirement Tracking Number
This transaction is used to display outline agreements with a specific requirement tracking number. The initial screen has a number of criteria that can be entered to restrict the output, including purchasing organization, purchasing group, plant, delivery date, vendor, material, and material group.

Purchasing Documents for Material Group
This transaction is used to display outline agreements for a specific material group. The initial screen has a number of criteria that can be entered to restrict the output, including purchasing organization, purchasing group, plant, delivery date, vendor, material and item category.

Outline Agreements per Project
This transaction is used to display outline agreements for a specific project. The initial screen has a number of criteria that can be entered to restrict the output, including WBS element, network, activity, purchasing organization, purchasing group and plant.

Purchasing Documents per Account Assignment
This transaction is used to display outline agreements with a specific account assignment. The initial screen has a number of criteria that can be entered to restrict the output, including WBS element, order, asset, network, activity, purchasing organization, purchasing group, plant, and vendor.

Purchasing Documents per Vendor
This transaction is used to display outline agreements for a specific vendor. The initial screen has a number of criteria that can be entered to restrict the output, including purchasing organization, purchasing group, plant, material, material group, and delivery date.

Purchasing Documents for Material
This transaction is used to display outline agreements for a specific material. The initial screen has a number of criteria that can be entered to restrict the output, including plant, purchasing organization, purchasing group, delivery date, vendor, and material group.

Purchasing Documents per Document Number
This transaction is used to display outline agreements with a specific document number. The initial screen has a number of criteria that can be entered to restrict the output, including purchasing organization, plant, purchasing group, vendor, and delivery date.

Contract Reporting with Services
This transaction is used to display contracts for services. The initial screen requires that a contact number is entered. The output can be restricted by service number, service type or service catalogue number.

Create Request for Quotation
This transaction is used to create a request for quotation. The initial screen requires that the user enter a date by which vendors must return a quotation, a purchasing organization and purchasing group. A collective number can be entered in the RFQ header so RFQs and other purchasing documents can be grouped together. The RFQ should include the material and quantity required, as well as the date the items should be delivered.

Change Request for Quotation
This transaction is used to change a request for quotation. The initial screen requires that a single RFQ number is entered. The detail of the RFQ can be changed, such as the RFQ quantity and delivery date. Other details that can be maintained include the tracking number and the reminder values.

Display Request for Quotation
This transaction is used to display a request for quotation. The initial screen requires that a single RFQ number is entered. The details of the RFQ can be displayed, such as the material, short text, RFQ quantity and delivery date.

Maintain Request for Quotation Supplement
This transaction is used to display header texts for a request for quotation. The user is required to enter a single request for quotation number. The transaction will display the text supplements for the request for quotation number that was entered, including the header text, header note, pricing types, deadlines, and terms of delivery.

Release Request for Quotation
This transaction allows the user to release request for quotations that are subject to a release strategy. If RFCs need to be approved before being sent to the vendor then a release strategy can be configured. This transaction is used by approvers to release RFCs that they approve. The RFC is then released to the vendor or to the next level of approval in the release strategy.

Maintain Quotation
This transaction is used to enter the quotation sent from a vendor who had received a request for quotation. The initial screen requires a single request for quotation number to be entered. The detail screen allows the user to enter the net price of each line item on the quotation.

Display Quotation
This transaction is used to display the details from a vendor’s quotation. The initial screen requires a single request for quotation number to be entered. The transaction shows the information from the RFQ and the vendor’s quotation such as the material, RFQ quantity, delivery date and net price.

Price Comparison List
This transaction is used to compare quotations to give the purchasing department a price comparison. The initial screen requires a purchasing organization to be entered as well as quotations or collective request for quotation numbers. The output shows the details from the quotations and gives a ranking for the quotations displayed.

Purchasing Documents per Requirement Tracking Number
This transaction shows the request for quotations for a single or range of requirement tracking numbers. The initial screen displays a number of criteria that can restrict the output. These criteria include purchasing organization, purchasing group, plant, delivery date, plant and material.

Purchasing Documents for Material Group
This transaction shows the request for quotations for a single or range of material groups. The initial screen displays a number of criteria that can restrict the output. These criteria include purchasing organization, purchasing group, plant, delivery date, plant, vendor, and material.

Purchasing Documents per Vendor
This transaction shows the request for quotations for a single or range of vendors. The initial screen displays a number of criteria that can restrict the output. These criteria include purchasing organization, purchasing group, plant, delivery date, plant, material group, and material.

Purchasing Documents for Material
This transaction shows the request for quotations for a single or range of materials. The initial screen displays a number of criteria that can restrict the output. These criteria include purchasing organization, purchasing group, plant, delivery date, plant, vendor, and material.

Purchasing Documents per Document Number
This transaction shows the request for quotations for a single or range of RFQ numbers. The initial screen displays a number of criteria that can restrict the output. These criteria include purchasing organization, purchasing group, plant, delivery date, plant, vendor, and material.

RFQ’s per Collective Number
This transaction shows the request for quotations for a single or range of collective numbers. The initial screen displays a number of criteria that can restrict the output. These criteria include purchasing organization, purchasing group, plant, delivery date, plant, vendor, and material.

Create Purchase Requisition
This transaction is used to create a purchase requisition. The initial screen requires a document type of NB to be entered. The detail screen requires the entry of a material or account assignment category, if the material is not known. The user is required to add the price for each line item. This transaction has been superseded by transaction ME51N.

Create Purchase Requisition
This transaction is used to create a purchase requisition and has superseded transaction ME51. This transaction requires that the information is entered in a single screen, while the old ME51 transaction is split across several screens. This transaction requires the entry of a material or account assignment category.

Maintain Purchase Requisition
This transaction is used to change a purchase requirement but has been superseded by transaction ME52N. The initial screen requires the entry of a single purchase requisition. The detail screen shows the line item details, and it is possible to change the quantity to be delivered and the delivery date.

Maintain Purchase Requisition
This transaction is used to change a purchase requisition and has superseded transaction ME52. This transaction allows the information to be changed in a single screen, while the old ME52 transaction is split across several screens. With this transaction, it is possible to change line item details, such as the quantity to be delivered and the delivery date.

Display Purchase Requisition
This transaction is used to display a purchase requirement but has been superseded by transaction ME53N. The initial screen requires the entry of a single purchase requisition. The detail screen shows the line item details.

Display Purchase Requisition
This transaction is used to change a purchase requisition and has superseded transaction ME53. This transaction allows the information to be displayed in a single screen, while the old ME53 transaction is split across several screens.

Release Purchase Requisition
This transaction allows the user to release a single purchase requisition that is subject to a release strategy. If the purchase requisition needs to be approved before being sent to the vendor then a release strategy can be configured. This transaction is used by approvers to release purchase requisitions that they approve. The purchase requisition is then released to the vendor or to the next level of approval in the release strategy. This transaction has been superseded by ME54N.

Release Purchase Requisition
This transaction allows the user to release a single purchase requisition that is subject to a release strategy. If the purchase requisition needs to be approved before being sent to the vendor then a release strategy can be configured. This transaction is used by approvers to release purchase requisitions that they approve. The purchase requisition is then released to the vendor or to the next level of approval in the release strategy. This transaction has superseded transaction ME54.

Collective Release of Purchase Requisitions
This transaction is used to release a number of purchase requisitions at one time that are subject to a release strategy. For this transaction the user is required to enter a release code and can also enter other criteria to restrict the number of purchase requisitions to release. The output will show all purchase requisitions that can be released based on the criteria entered.

Assign Source to Supply to Requisitions
This transaction is used to assign a source of supply to existing purchase requisitions. The number of purchase requisitions can be restricted by the selection criteria, such as purchasing group, material, material group and plant. The output shows a list of purchase requisitions that can then be selected and a source of supply can be assigned automatically by the system.

Assign and Process Purchase Requisitions
This transaction is used to assign a source of supply to existing purchase requisitions and process them. The number of purchase requisitions can be restricted by the selection criteria, such as purchasing group, material, material group and plant. The output shows a list of purchase requisitions that can then be selected; a source of supply can be assigned, and then processed by the system.

Ordering: Assigned Purchase Requisitions
This transaction allows the user to select assigned purchase requisitions and manually convert them into purchase orders. The initial screen has selection criteria to restrict the output such as purchasing group and purchasing organization. The output is grouped by vendor and the user can select the line item to convert into a purchase order.

Automatic Creation of Purchase Orders from Requisitions
This transaction is used to automatically convert purchase requisitions to purchase orders. The initial screen shows a list of selection criteria to restrict the number of requisitions to be converted, such as purchasing group, purchasing organization, vendor, plant and material group. The system will automatically create the purchase orders based on the selection criteria.

List Display of Purchase Requisitions
This transaction is used to display a list of purchase requisitions based on the selection criteria entered. The initial screen shows a list of criteria to restrict the output, such as purchasing group, material, material group, plant, and delivery date. The output is shown in purchase requisition order.

Release Reminder: Purchase Requisitions
This transaction is used to display purchase requisitions that are subject to a release strategy and have yet to be released. The initial screen offers the user a list of selection criteria to restrict the output. The selection criteria include material, purchasing group, plant, delivery date, or cost center. The output shows the purchase requisitions to be released and the user can choose requisitions to release.

List Display of Purchase Requisitions for Project
This transaction shows a list of purchase requisitions that are attached to a project. The initial selection screen shows a list of criteria that can restrict the requisitions shown. The criteria include project, WBS element, network, activity, purchasing group, material, and material group.

List Display of Purchase Requisitions by Account Assignment
This transaction is used to display purchase requisitions associated with a single or range of cost centers. The initial screen offers the user a number of selection criteria to restrict the output. The selection criteria include cost center, WBS element, order, asset, network, operation, material, material group and purchasing group. The output is shown in cost center order.

Resubmission of Purchase Requisitions
This transaction is used to generate a list of purchase requisitions that are to be resubmitted for processing. The initial screen shows a list of criteria that can restrict the output, including requisition number, purchasing group, material, material group, plant, and delivery date. The output shows requisitions that have a release date, plus resubmission interval, that has been passed.

Maintain Vendor Evaluation
This transaction is used to manually maintain the evaluation scores for a vendor. The initial screen requires the user to enter a vendor and a purchasing organization. The transaction allows the user to manually enter scores for the different criteria, such as price, quality, delivery and service.

Display Vendor Evaluation
This transaction is used to display the evaluation scores for a vendor. The initial screen requires the user to enter a vendor and a purchasing organization. The transaction allows the user to see the overall vendor evaluation score and to display the scores for the different criteria, such as price, quality, delivery and service.

Calculate Scores for Semi-Automatic and Automatic Sub-Criteria
This transaction is used to calculate the vendor evaluation scores for a vendor. The initial screen requires the user to enter a vendor and a purchasing organization. The transaction will then automatically calculate the vendor evaluation scores for the automatic and semiautomatic sub-criteria and display the new and old scores for each sub-criteria.

Evaluation Comparison
This transaction allows you to compare a vendor’s evaluation general score against that vendor’s score for a specific material. The initial screen requires a vendor, purchase organization and material to be entered. The output shows the overall score for the vendor and the vendor’s score for the specific material. The individual criteria also show the vendor’s general score and the score for the material.

Ranking List of Vendors
This transaction is used to rank a specific list of vendors. The initial screen requires the user to enter a purchasing organization and a list or range of vendors to be ranked. The output shows the vendors ranked by their overall evaluation score, but also shows the scores for the main criteria.

Display Change Documents
This transaction is used to display changes that have been made to a vendor’s evaluation score. The initial screen allows the user to enter a vendor and purchasing organization. The output shows the changes to the vendor evaluation scores and which criteria were changed.

Ranking List of Vendor Evaluations Based on Material/Material Group
This transaction shows the ranking of vendors for a material or material group based on their vendor evaluation scores. The initial screen requires the user to enter a purchasing organization and a material or material group. The output shows a list of vendors.

Vendors without Evaluation
This transaction is used to show vendors that have not been evaluated. The initial screen allows the user to enter a single or range of purchasing organizations and a single or range of vendors. If a vendor has already been evaluated, the system will display a message indicating that fact. The output will show a list of vendors, which can then be evaluated.

Vendors not Evaluated Since
This transaction will show a list of vendors who have not been evaluated since a specific date, which the user can enter. The initial screen allows a vendor or range of vendors to be entered, as well as a purchasing organization and the cut-off date for the evaluation. The output shows the vendor, the purchasing organization, and the date the last evaluation was created.

Evaluation Records without Weighting Key
This transaction is used to display evaluation records that have no weighting key. The initial screen allows the user to enter a single or range of vendors and a single or range of purchasing organizations.

Print Vendor Evaluation Sheet
This transaction allows the user to print a vendor evaluation sheet. The initial screen requires the user to enter a vendor and a purchasing organization. The output shows the overall vendor evaluation score, the scores for the main criteria and the scores for the sub-criteria.

Vendor Evaluation Analysis
This transaction is used to perform analysis on vendor evaluation for a given set of vendors. The initial screen allows the user to enter a range of purchasing organizations and vendors for a given period of time. The output shows the list of vendors and their scores over that period. There is a drill-down facility to allow details for each vendor to be examined.

General Analysis of Purchasing Documents
This transaction is used to perform an analysis of purchasing data. The initial screen allows the user to enter a vendor, material, material group and purchasing group. The user can also enter the scope of selection, such as purchase orders, contracts, scheduling agreements and requests for quotation, as well as a date range for the analysis. The output shows the purchasing documents and the details from those documents, such as material, quantity, unit of measure, and net value.

General Analysis of RFQs
This transaction is used to perform an analysis of purchasing data, specifically requests for quotation. The initial screen allows the user to enter a vendor, material, material group and purchasing group. The transaction is similar to ME80, except that ME80A defaults the analysis to be performed on RFQ documents.

General Evaluations of RFQs
This transaction is used to evaluate the requests for quotation for a given set of criteria. The initial screen allows the user to enter a material, vendor, material group, plant, purchasing organization and purchasing group. The output shows the details for each of the requests for quotation, including vendor, material, purchasing group, purchasing organization, document date, quantity, and order value.

General Analysis of Purchase Orders
This transaction is used to perform an analysis of purchasing data, specifically purchase orders. The initial screen allows the user to enter a vendor, material, material group and purchasing group. The transaction is similar to ME80, except that in ME80F the analysis to be performed is set on purchase order documents by default.

General Evaluations of Purchase Orders
This transaction is used to evaluate the purchase orders for a given set of criteria. The initial screen allows the user to enter a material, vendor, material group, plant, purchasing organization and purchasing group. The output shows the details for each of the purchase orders, including vendor, material, purchasing group, purchasing organization, document date, quantity, and order value.

General Analysis of Outline Agreements
This transaction is used to perform an analysis of purchasing data, specifically outline agreements. The initial screen allows the user to enter a vendor, material, material group and purchasing group. The transaction is similar to ME80, except that ME80R defaults the analysis to be performed on outline agreement documents.

General Evaluations of Outline Agreements
This transaction is used to evaluate the outline agreements for a given set of criteria. The initial screen allows the user to enter a material, vendor, material group, plant, purchasing organization and purchasing group. The output shows the details for each of the outline agreements, including vendor, material, purchasing group, purchasing organization, document date, quantity, and order value.

Analysis of Purchase Order Values                                                                                   
This transaction is used to perform a financial analysis of purchase orders. The initial screen requires the user to enter a currency and to narrow the search selection by entering a comparison period, material, purchasing organization, purchasing group, vendor or material group. The output shows the purchase orders for the selected criteria. The details on the output include the purchase order number, document date and net value of the purchase order.

Create Releases
This transaction is used to create scheduling agreement releases after delivery schedules have been created. The initial screen gives the user the option to create a release type, plant, MRP area, MRP controller, material, vendor, and scheduling agreement. The output can be flagged to be in test mode only or releases can be directly created.

Individual Display of Scheduling Agreement Release
This transaction is used to display the releases for a scheduling agreement. The initial screen offers the user the opportunity to enter a scheduling agreement number, a line item number, a release type, and a release number. The output shows the schedule lines, including the delivery date and time, and scheduled quantity.

Re-number Scheduling Agreement Delivery Schedule Lines
This transaction is used to re-number the scheduling agreement delivery schedule lines. The initial screen allows the user to enter a plant, purchasing organization, and purchasing group. The re-numbering can be further restricted by entering a vendor or material.

Aggregation/Disaggregation of Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines
This transaction is used to aggregate or disaggregate the scheduling agreement delivery schedule lines. The initial screen gives the user an option to aggregate or disaggregate. The next screen shows the user a number of selection criteria that can restrict the schedule lines to be aggregated or disaggregated, including plant, purchasing organization, and purchasing group.

Summarization and Removal of PO History Records
This transaction is used to summarize and remove purchase order history records. The initial screen gives the user the option to restrict the purchase orders, using selection criteria including plant, purchasing organization, and purchasing group. The output shows the purchase order history records for each of the purchase orders selected. The user can then save the aggregation if required.

Set/Reset Agreed Cumulative Quantity and Reconciliation Date
This transaction is used set or reset the agreed cumulative quantity and reconciliation date. The initial screen offers the user selection criteria to restrict the output. The user can also select a transaction category, set agreed cumulative quantity, reset agreed cumulative quantity and reconciliation date, or mass maintenance of control parameters.

Purchasing Documents: Reminders/Expediters
This transaction is used to generate reminders and urging letters. The initial screen allows the user to enter a number of selection criteria, including purchasing document, purchasing organization, purchasing group, vendor, delivery date, and a reference date for the reminders. The output shows the purchasing documents that can be selected and messages can be generated.

Quotations: Reminders/Expediters
This transaction is used to generate reminders and urging letters for quotations. The initial screen allows the user to enter a number of selection criteria including purchasing document, purchasing organization, purchasing group, vendor, delivery date, and a reference date for the reminders. The output shows the quotations that can be selected and messages can be generated.

Scheduling Agreement: Reminders/Expediters
This transaction is used to generate reminders and urging letters for scheduling agreements. The initial screen allows the user to enter a number of selection criteria, including purchasing document, purchasing organization, purchasing group, vendor, delivery date, and a reference date for the reminders. The output shows the scheduling agreements that can be selected and messages that can be generated.

Purchasing Orders: Reminders/Expediters
This transaction is used to generate reminders and urging letters for purchase orders. The initial screen allows the user to enter a number of selection criteria including purchasing document, purchasing organization, purchasing group, vendor, delivery date, and a reference date for the reminders. The output shows the purchasing orders that can be selected and messages that can be generated.

Monitor Receipt of Order Acknowledgments
This transaction is used to display purchase documents that have not received an order acknowledgment. The initial screen allows the user to enter selection criteria, including purchasing document number, purchasing organization, purchasing group, vendor, and document date. The output shows the purchase documents without order acknowledgement, which can then be selected and reminder messages can be generated.

Monitor Receipt of Order Acknowledgments (Purchase Order)
This transaction is used to display purchase orders that have not received an order acknowledgment. The initial screen allows the user to enter selection criteria, including purchasing document number, purchasing organization, purchasing group, vendor, and document date. The output shows the purchase orders without order acknowledgement, which can then be selected and reminder messages can be generated.

Monitor Receipt of Order Acknowledgments (Contract)
This transaction is used to display contracts that have not received an order acknowledgment. The initial screen allows the user to enter selection criteria, including purchasing document number, purchasing organization, purchasing group, vendor, and document date. The output shows the contracts without order acknowledgement, which can then be selected and reminder messages can be generated.

Monitor Receipt of Order Acknowledgments (Scheduling Agreement)
This transaction is used to display scheduling agreements that have not received an order acknowledgment. The initial screen allows the user to enter selection criteria, including purchasing document number, purchasing organization, purchasing group, vendor, and document date. The output shows the scheduling agreements without order acknowledgement, which can then be selected and reminder messages can be generated.

Output from Purchase Orders
This transaction is used to create output for purchase orders. The initial screen allows the user to enter an output type, transmission medium, processing mode, as well as a single or range of purchasing documents. The result of the selection criteria shows a list of purchasing documents, which can be selected and output can be processed.

Request for Quotation Output
This transaction is used to create message output for requests for quotation. The initial screen allows the user to enter selection criteria to restrict the list of RFCs to select from. The selection criteria include document number, vendor, purchasing organization, purchasing group, document type, and document date. The output shows the RFCs that can be selected and output can be generated.

Scheduling Agreement Output
This transaction is used to create message output for scheduling agreements. The initial screen allows the user to enter selection criteria to restrict the list of scheduling agreements to select from. The selection criteria include document number, vendor, purchasing organization, purchasing group, document type, and document date. The output shows the scheduling agreements that can be selected and output can be generated.

Purchase Order Output
This transaction is used to create message output for purchase orders. The initial screen allows the user to enter selection criteria to restrict the list of purchase orders to select from. The selection criteria include document number, vendor, purchasing organization, purchasing group, document type, and document date. The output shows the purchase orders that can be selected and output can be generated.

Contract Output
This transaction is used to create message output for contracts. The initial screen allows the user to enter selection criteria to restrict the list of contracts to select from. The selection criteria include document number, vendor, purchasing organization, purchasing group, document type, and document date. The output shows the contracts that can be selected and output can be generated.

Outline Agreement Output
This transaction is used to create message output for outline agreements. The initial screen allows the user to enter selection criteria to restrict the list of outline agreements to select from. The selection criteria include document number, vendor, purchasing organization, purchasing group, document type, and document date. The output shows the outline agreements that can be selected and output can be generated.

Cancel Settlement Runs
This transaction is used to cancel settlement runs. The initial screen offers the user the opportunity to enter a settlement run or a rebate agreement number. If you enter a rebate agreement number, then the settlement runs for that agreement will be shown.

Create Rebate Agreement
This transaction is used to create a rebate agreement. The initial screen requires that an agreement type is entered, e.g., rebates. The detail screen requires a condition granter is entered, which is the company who the rebate was negotiated with, commonly a vendor. The rebate agreement will also require a validity period during which the agreement is valid.

Change Rebate Agreement
This transaction is used to change the details of a rebate agreement. The initial screen will require a single rebate agreement number to be entered. The user can change some fields on the rebate agreement, such as the validity periods, payment method, agreement status, and terms of payment.

Display Rebate Agreement
This transaction is used to display the details of a rebate agreement. The initial screen will require a single rebate agreement number to be entered. The user can display the details of the rebate agreement, such as the condition granter, currency, validity periods, payment method, agreement status, and terms of payment.

Settlement: Vendor Rebate Arrangements Purchasing
This transaction is used to settle a rebate arrangement with a vendor for a specific period. The selection screen gives the user the ability to enter the rebate arrangement number, the settlement date, and the billing date. The output shows the agreement details and the total income from the rebate arrangements.

List of Vendor Rebate Arrangements: Purchasing
This transaction shows a list of vendor rebate arrangements based on the selection criteria entered. The final output can be restricted by entering a single or range of rebate agreement numbers, the arrangement type, validity period, purchasing organization, and purchasing group. The output is displayed in condition granter order.

Detailed Statement: Vendor Business Volumes: Rebate Arrangements Purchasing
This transaction shows the detailed settlements of the vendor rebate arrangements based on the selection criteria entered. The final output can be restricted by entering a single or range of rebate agreement numbers, the arrangement type, validity period, purchasing organization, and purchasing group. The detailed settlements are shown in condition granter order.

Changes to Purchasing Documents Due to Changes in Conditions
This transaction is used to display changes to purchasing documents due to changes in conditions. The selection screen allows the user to restrict the output. The selection criteria include document type, vendor, material, purchasing organization, purchasing group, and plant.

Mass Adjustment of Documents Due to Changes in Conditions
This transaction allows a mass adjustment of purchasing documents due to changes in conditions. The selection screen allows the user to restrict any adjustment to those purchasing documents that are selected. The selection criteria include purchasing document number and price determination date.

Recompilation of Document Index for Purchasing Documents
This transaction is used to recompile purchasing documents. The transaction updates the change pointers such as when master data and conditions are updated. The documents to be updated can be restricted by the selection criteria, which include document type, purchasing document number, vendor, and document date.

Automatic Document Adjustment: Create Worklist
This transaction creates a worklist for the automatic adjustment of purchasing documents. The selection screen can restrict the documents in the worklist by selecting one or more document categories, such as purchasing documents or pricing documents.

Automatic Document Adjustment: Delete Worklist This transaction is used to delete a worklist that has been created for the automatic adjustment of purchasing documents. The worklist can be selected by entering a document category and a price determination date.

Delete Document Index
This transaction is used to delete document indexes that may have been created. The selection screen offers the user a number of options, such as purchasing documents, payment documents, vendor billing documents, and customer settlements.

Make Price Change in Open Purchase Orders
This transaction allows price changes in open purchase orders. The number of purchase orders to be changed can be restricted by the selection fields, such as vendor, purchasing organization, purchasing group, material, material group, and plant. After the transaction is executed, the system will display a list of the purchasing documents that have been changed.

Recompilation of Document Index for Payment Documents
This transaction is used to recompile payment documents. The transaction updates the change pointers such as when master data and conditions are updated. The settlement requests to be updated can be restricted by the selection criteria, which include payment type, billing type, posting date, invoicing party, and payer.

Recompilation of Document Index for Vendor Billing Documents
This transaction is used to recompile vendor billing documents. The transaction updates the change pointers such as when master data and conditions are updated. The vendor billing documents to be updated can be restricted by the selection criteria, which include vendor billing document number, posting date, invoicing party, and document date.

Create Condition Records
This transaction is used to create a condition record. The initial screen requires the user to enter a condition type. The following screen allows the user to add the condition details based on the condition type that was entered.

Change Condition Records
This transaction allows the user to change an existing condition record. The initial screen requires the user to enter the condition type. The following screen offers the user the option to change a single condition record or a number of condition records. The user can then amend the elements in the condition record that are required to be changed.

Display Condition Records
This transaction is used to display existing condition records. The initial screen requires the user to enter the condition type. The following screen offers the user the option to display a single condition record or a number of condition records.

Create Condition Records with Reference
This transaction is used to create condition records with reference to an existing condition record. The initial screen requires the user to enter the condition type. The following screen allows the user to enter the information of the existing condition. When the information is displayed, the user can enter new condition records based on the reference condition.

Purchasing Conditions
This transaction is used to display purchasing conditions based on the selection criteria entered. The initial screen shows a number of selection criteria, including purchasing organization, vendor, material, material group, plant, and material type. The purchasing organization is a mandatory field. The system will display any relevant conditions and allows conditions to be created from the output screen.

Conditions by Contract
This transaction is used to display contract conditions based on the selection criteria entered. The initial screen shows the selection criteria, including purchasing organization, agreement, and agreement item. The purchasing organization is a mandatory field. The system will  display any relevant conditions.

Conditions by Info Record
This transaction is used to display purchasing info record conditions based on the selection criteria entered. The initial screen shows the selection criteria, including purchasing organization, vendor, material, material group, plant, and purchasing info record. The purchasing organization is a mandatory field. The system will display any relevant conditions.

Conditions for Material Group
This transaction is used to display material group conditions based on the selection criteria entered. The initial screen shows the selection criteria, including purchasing organization, vendor, material group, and plant. The purchasing organization is a mandatory field. The system will display any relevant conditions.

Conditions by Vendor
This transaction is used to display vendor conditions based on the selection criteria entered. The initial screen shows the selection criteria of the purchasing organization and vendor. The purchasing organization is a mandatory field. The system will display any relevant conditions.

Conditions for Material Type
This transaction is used to display material type conditions based on the selection criteria entered. The initial screen shows the selection criteria of the purchasing organization and material type. The purchasing organization is a mandatory field. The system will display any relevant conditions.

Conditions by Condition Group of Vendor
This transaction is used to display condition group of the vendor conditions based on the selection criteria entered. The condition group of the vendor is entered into the purchasing info record. The initial screen shows the selection criteria of the purchasing organization, vendor, and condition group. The purchasing organization is a mandatory field. The system will display any relevant conditions.

Conditions by Market Price
This transaction is used to display market price conditions based on the selection criteria entered. The initial screen shows the selection criteria of the purchasing organization, material, and material group. The purchasing organization is a mandatory field. The system will display any relevant conditions.

Conditions by Incoterms
This transaction is used to display incoterms conditions based on the selection criteria entered. The initial screen shows the selection criteria of the purchasing organization, incoterms, and plant. The purchasing organization is a mandatory field. The system will display any relevant conditions.

Conditions for Invoicing Party
This transaction is used to display invoicing party conditions based on the selection criteria entered. The initial screen shows the selection criteria of the purchasing organization, invoicing party, and vendor. The purchasing organization is a mandatory field. The system will display any relevant conditions.

Conditions by Vendor Sub-Range
This transaction is used to display vendor sub-range conditions based on the selection criteria entered. The initial screen shows the selection criteria of the purchasing organization, vendor, and vendor sub-range. The purchasing organization is a mandatory field. The system will display any relevant conditions.

Price Change Involving Vendor’s Scheduling Agreements
This transaction should be used when changes are required to be made to a vendor’s scheduling agreements. The initial screen shows a number of selection criteria, including purchasing organization, vendor, material, material group, and scheduling agreement. In addition, the user needs to enter an absolute amount or a percentage change. The system will display the affected scheduling agreements and the changes in price shown on the document.

Currency Change for Scheduling Agreement Conditions of Vendor
This transaction should be used if the currency on a vendor’s scheduling agreement is to be changed. The initial screen shows a number of selection criteria, including purchasing organization, vendor, and scheduling agreement. In addition, the user needs to enter the old and the new currency. The system will display the affected scheduling agreements and the changes in currency.

Price Change Involving Vendor’s Info Records
This transaction should be used when changes are required to be made to a vendor’s purchasing info records. The initial screen shows a number of selection criteria, including purchasing organization, vendor, material, and material group. In addition, the user needs to enter an absolute amount or a percentage change. The system will display the affected purchase info records and the changes in price shown on the document.

Currency Change for Info Record Conditions of Vendor
This transaction should be used if the currency on a vendor’s purchasing info record is to be changed. The initial screen shows a number of selection criteria, including purchasing organization and vendor. In addition, the user needs to enter the old and the new currency. The system will display the affected purchasing info record and the changes in currency.

Price Change Involving Vendor’s Contracts
This transaction should be used when changes are required to be made to vendor’s contracts. The initial screen shows a number of selection criteria, including purchasing organization, vendor, contract, material, and material group. In addition, the user needs to enter an absolute amount or a percentage change. The system will display the affected contracts and the changes in price shown on the document.

Currency Change for Contract Conditions of Vendor
This transaction should be used if the currency on vendor’s contracts is to be changed. The initial screen shows a number of selection criteria, including purchasing organization, contract, and vendor. In addition, the user needs to enter the old and the new currency. The system will display the affected contracts and the changes in currency.

Purchasing Transactions per Requirement Tracking Number
This transaction is used to find and display all the purchasing transactions that contain a specific requirement tracking number. The initial screen allows the user to enter a number of selection criteria, including requirement tracking number, purchasing organization, purchasing group, plant, material, and material group. The output shows all the purchasing documents for each requirement tracking number.

Order Price Simulation/Price Information
This transaction is used to display price information for a specific set of selection criteria. The selection screen has a number of fields that need to be entered, including vendor, order type, purchasing organization, purchasing group, material, plant, and company code. The system will display the price information overview for the selection fields, including purchase order item data, net price, order quantity, and price date.

Price Information/Vendor Negotiation Sheet
This transaction is used to display the price information for a vendor that can be used for vendor negotiation. The initial selection screen has a number of fields that the user can enter, including vendor, material, material group, purchasing organization, and plant. The system will display the price information for the selection fields entered.

Display Purchase Order
This transaction is used to display and change a purchase order. This transaction is the same as transaction ME22N.

Maintain Quota Arrangement
This transaction is used to maintain quota arrangements. A material can be used in a quota arrangement only if the quota arrangement usage key on the purchasing screen of the material master has been entered. The initial screen allows the user to enter a material and a plant. The detail screen shows the validity period of the quota and permits the user to enter the minimum quantity split for the quota arrangement.

Display Quota Arrangement
This transaction is used to display quota arrangements. The initial screen allows the user to enter a material and a plant. The detail screen displays the validity period of the quota, the minimum quantity split for the quota arrangement and the quota arrangement number.

Changes to Quota Arrangement
This transaction is used to display changes that have been made to a quota arrangement. The initial screen allows the user to enter a material, plant, user who made the change, and the change date. The detail screen displays all changes that have been made to the quota arrangement based on the selection criteria. The output shows date and time of the change, transaction used, document change number, and the action that was taken.

Analyze Quota Arrangement
This transaction is used to analyze existing quota arrangements. The initial screen allows the user to enter the material, plant, and validity dates. The output shows the quota arrangement information.

Quota Arrangement for Material
This transaction is used to check whether the quota arrangements are being adhered to by vendors. The initial screen has a number of selection fields that can be entered, such as material, plant, quota arrangement, and minimum percentage variance. The transaction checks the target values of the quota arrangement against actual values, and any variances are shown when processing this transaction.

Quota Arrangement for Material
This transaction is used to display quota arrangements for a material. The selection screen allows the user to enter a material, plant, and quota arrangement. The output shows the quota arrangement details in material order.

Create Vendor (Purchasing)
This transaction is used to create the purchasing elements of a vendor. The initial screen requires a purchasing organization and account group. The vendor can be left blank if the vendor number is internally generated. The address can be added with account control information, tax information, conditions, control data, sales data and partner functions. If the vendor number is internally generated, it will be shown after the transaction is saved.

Change Vendor (Purchasing)
This transaction is used to change the purchasing details of a vendor. The initial screen requires the vendor number to be entered along with selecting one of the four options: address data, control data, purchasing data, or partner functions. The purchasing organization field on the initial screen is optional.

Display Vendor (Purchasing)
This transaction is used to display the purchasing details of a vendor. The initial screen requires the vendor number to be entered along with selecting one of the four options: address data, control data, purchasing data, or partner functions. The purchasing organization field on the initial screen is optional.

Vendor Account Changes (Purchasing)
This transaction is used to display changes made to the purchasing data of a vendor. The initial screen requires a vendor number is entered. The selection can be restricted by entering a purchasing organization, vendor sub-range or plant. The system will display the areas where the data has been changed. These can be selected and the details of any changes are displayed.

Block/Unblock Vendor (Purchasing)
This transaction is used to block or unblock purchasing functions for a vendor. The initial screen requires a vendor number to be entered, while the purchasing organization is optional. The vendor can be totally blocked for all purchasing organizations or blocked for purchase orders, goods receipt, RFQ or source determination.

Flag Vendor for Deletion (Purchasing)
This transaction is used to flag a vendor for deletion. The initial screen requires a vendor number to be entered, while the purchasing organization is optional. The user can set the deletion flag for all areas or set a deletion block to stop the general data of the vendor from being deleted.

Plan Vendor Change
This transaction is used to plan the vendor changes for a future date. The initial screen allows the user to enter a vendor, purchasing organization and change planned for the date. The user can also select one of the four options: address data, control data, purchasing data, or partner functions. The data can be changed and, after saving, the data the system will display the planned date for the change.

Planned Vendor Account Changes
This transaction is used to display changes that have been planned for the vendor master. The initial screen requires the vendor number to be entered; the purchasing organization, vendor sub-range, plant and planned change date fields are optional. The transaction shows the areas that are scheduled for change, and the details can then be shown.

Display in Future Vendor
This transaction is used to display vendor details at a future date. The initial screen requires a vendor number and a key date to be entered. The system will show the vendor data that  will be in the master record on that date. If no planned changes are scheduled, then the data shown will be the same as the current data.

Vendor’s Settlement and Condition Groups
This transaction is used to display a vendor’s settlement and condition groups. The initial screen does not require an entry, but the resulting output can be restricted by entering a vendor, material, material group, vendor material number, vendor sub-range, or vendor material group. The output shows the settlement groups and condition groups for each vendor.

List of Vendors: Purchasing
This transaction is used to produce a list of vendors. The output can be restricted by entering a vendor number, purchasing organization, search term, or account group. The output is shown in vendor order and the details listed include the vendor’s name and address, account group, search term, purchasing organization, terms of payment, incoterms, minimum order value, and currency.

Material Master Menu
This transaction is used to display the material master menu. The transactions you can access from this menu include material transactions, profile transactions, batch transactions, special stock transactions, and report transactions.

Create Material
This transaction is used to create a material master record. The initial screen requires a material number to be entered if the number is externally assigned or can be left blank if the numbering is internally assigned. The screen also requires the user to enter an industry sector and a material type. A change number can be entered if change master record is to be referenced. The user can also enter the number of a material that is to be used to copy from.

Change Material
This transaction is used to change the details of an existing material number. The initial screen will allow the user to enter a single material number and a change number, if required. The user can select the material master screens to be changed and can enter the appropriate organizational level, for example, plant, storage location, warehouse, valuation type, sales organization, and distribution channel.

Display Material
This transaction is used to display the details of an existing material number. The initial screen will allow the user to enter a single material number. The user can then select the material master screens to be changed and can enter the appropriate organizational level, for example, plant, storage location, warehouse, valuation type, sales organization, and distribution channel.

Display Changes
This transaction allows the user to display changes to a material master record. The initial screen requires that the user enter a material number, but other fields can be entered, such as a change number, plant, valuation type, sales organization, distribution channel, warehouse number or storage type. The output shows a list of the changes for a material, which can be selected and the details displayed.

Flag Material for Deletion
This transaction is used to flag a material for deletion. The deletion flag can be set at a certain level, for example, the deletion flag can be set for a single storage location and not for the plant. The initial screen allows the user to determine the level at which the deletion flag is set by entering a plant, storage location, valuation type, sales organization, distribution channel, warehouse number or storage type.

Schedule Creation of Material
This transaction allows the creation of material to be scheduled for a future date. The initial screen requires the user to enter a material number, if externally assigned, or left blank for internal number assignment. The user will need to enter an industry sector and a material type. A change number can be entered if change master record is to be referenced. The user will need to enter a future date for which the material creation is scheduled.

Schedule Changing of Material
This transaction is used to schedule a change to the material master record on a future date. The initial screen will allow the user to enter a single material number, the future date for which the material change is scheduled, and a change number, if required.

Schedule Material for Deletion
This transaction is used to schedule a deletion to a material master record. The initial screen allows the user to determine the level at which the deletion flag is set by entering a plant, storage location, valuation type, sales organization, distribution channel, warehouse number or storage type. In addition, the future date for which the material change is scheduled is required, and a change number, if relevant.

Display Material at Key Date
This transaction is used to display a material master record for a specific date. The user is required to enter a material number and a key date, which can be either in the past or the future. The user can then select the material master screens to be display and can enter the appropriate organizational level, for example, plant, storage location, warehouse, valuation type, sales organization, and distribution channel.

Extend Material View(s)
This transaction allows the user to extend the views of existing materials. The initial screen gives the user the opportunity to enter the view, such as costing, storage, MRP, etc. The user can then restrict the number of materials to be extended by entering a plant, sales organization, distribution channel, material, material type, warehouse number or industry sector. The output will show a list of materials where the views are extended.

Materials List
This transaction is used to display a list of materials based on the values entered. The initial screen allows the user to enter a single or range of materials, plant, material type, material group and the user who created the material master record. The user has the option of retrieving valuated materials only. The output shows the material details, including date of last change, material type, material group, unit of measure, purchasing group, MRP Type, valuation class and price.

Change Material Type
This transaction allows the user to change the material type of an existing material. The initial screen requires the material number and the new material type. If the material type cannot be changed, the system will display details about the reason why, such as whether a purchase order exists or whether plant stock exists.

Create Trading Goods
This transaction is used to create a material that is a trading good. The transaction automatically creates the material with a material type HAWA. The initial screen requires the user to enter a material number, if externally assigned, or left blank if the material number is assigned internally. The user will need to enter an industry sector and an optional change number.

Create Operating Supplies
This transaction is used to create a material that is an operating supply. The transaction automatically creates the material with a material type HIBE. The initial screen requires the user to enter a material number, if externally assigned, or left blank if the material number is assigned internally. The user will need to enter an industry sector and an optional change number.

Create Non-Stock Material
This transaction is used to create a material that is a non-stock material. The transaction automatically creates the material with a material type NLAG. The initial screen requires the user to enter a material number, if externally assigned, or left blank if the material number is assigned internally. The user will need to enter an industry sector and an optional change number.

Initialize Period for Material Master Records
This transaction is used to initialize the period for material master records. This is part of the month end closing that is performed by the finance department. This program sets the current period and should be used in combination with the period closing program, RMMMPERI. This transaction should not be run if the material ledger is active.

Close Period for Material Master Records
This transaction is used to close a period for material master records. This transaction is run at month end closing and will be part of the financial monthly close. This transaction will normally be run as a background job.

Create Raw Material
This transaction is used to create a material that is a raw material. The transaction automatically creates the material with a material type ROH. The initial screen requires the user to enter a material number, if externally assigned, or left blank if the material number is assigned internally. The user will need to enter an industry sector and an optional change number.

Allow Posting to Previous Period
This transaction can be used to allow posting to a previous period. The initial screen requires the user to enter a company code. The following screen shows the current period, the previous period, and the last period in the previous year. The user can then select the option to allow posting to the previous period or to disallow back posting.

Create Service
This transaction is used to create a material that is a service. The transaction automatically creates the material with a material type DIEN. The initial screen requires the user to enter a material number, if externally assigned, or left blank if the material number is assigned internally. The user will need to enter an industry sector and an optional change number.

Enter Storage Locations Collectively
This transaction allows the user to extend materials to additional storage locations at a plant. The initial screen requires a material number and a plant to be entered. The user can then choose to list all existing storage locations or to list extendable storage locations only. The resulting screen allows the user to enter the storage location or storage locations where the material needs to be extended to.

Create Non-Valuated Material
This transaction is used to create a material that is a non-valuated material. The transaction automatically creates the material with a material type UNBW. The initial screen requires the user to enter a material number, if externally assigned, or left blank if the material number is assigned internally. The user will need to enter an industry sector and an optional change number.

Create Packaging
This transaction is used to create a material that is a packaging material. The transaction automatically creates the material with a material type VERP. The initial screen requires the user to enter a material number, if externally assigned, or left blank if the material number is assigned internally. The user will need to enter an industry sector and an optional change number.

Change Material
This transaction allows a user to change data in the sales views of a material master record. The initial screen requires the user to enter a material number, and the system will display the views to be changed, if they have been previously created. The views displayed include sales 1, sales 2, sales/plant data, sales text and foreign trade.

Create Material
This transaction allows a user to change data in the engineering and sales views of a material master record. The initial screen requires the user to enter a material number, and the system will display the views to be changed, if they have been previously created. The views displayed include the engineering/sales screen, storage, sales 1, sales 2, sales/plant data, sales text and foreign trade.

Create Output – Condition Records: Purchasing RFQ
This transaction is used to create a condition record for an output message relating to a request for quotation. The initial screen requires the user to enter an output type, such as ABSA for a rejection or MAHN for a reminder. The next screen will show the user a key combination to select from. After the selection screen the user can enter the details to create the condition record, such as document type, vendor, purchasing group, partner function and the medium of the output, for example, fax or EDI.

Change Output – Condition Records: Purchasing RFQ
This transaction is used to change details on a condition record for an output message relating to a request for quotation. The initial screen requires the user to enter an output type, such as ABSA for a rejection or MAHN for a reminder. The next screen will offer the user a key combination to select from. The following screen offers the user selection fields based on the key combination; the resulting output will show the condition record details that can be changed.

Display Output – Condition Records: Purchasing RFQ
This transaction is used to display details on a condition record for an output message relating to a request for quotation. The initial screen requires the user to enter an output type, such as ABSA for a rejection or MAHN for a reminder. The next screen will show the user a number of key combinations to select from. The following screen offers the user selection fields based on the key combination; the resulting output will display the details of the condition records selected.

Create Output – Condition Records: Purchase Order
This transaction is used to create a condition record for an output message relating to a purchase order. The initial screen requires the user to enter an output type, such as NEU for purchase order print. The next screen will offer the user a key combination to select from. After the selection screen, the user can enter the details to create the condition record, such as purchase organization, partner function, and the medium of the output, for example, fax or EDI.

Change Output – Condition Records: Purchase Order
This transaction is used to change details on a condition record for an output message relating to a purchase order. The initial screen requires the user to enter an output type, such as NEU for purchase order print. The next screen will show the user a key combination to select from. The following screen offers the user selection fields based on the key combination; the resulting output will show the condition record details that can be changed.

Display Output – Condition Records: Purchase Order
This transaction is used to display details on a condition record for an output message relating to a purchase order. The initial screen requires the user to enter an output type, such as NEU for purchase order print. The next screen will offer the user a key combination to select from. The following screen offers the user selection fields based on the key combination; the resulting output will display the details of the condition records selected.

Create Output – Condition Records: Outline Agreement
This transaction is used to create a condition record for output message relating to an outline agreement. The initial screen requires the user to enter an output type, such as NEU for an outline agreement print. The next screen will offer the user a key combination to select from. After the selection screen, the user can enter the details to create the condition record, such as document type, partner function, and the medium of the output, for example, fax or EDI.

Change Output – Condition Records: Outline Agreement
This transaction is used to change details on a condition record for an output message relating to an outline agreement. The initial screen requires the user to enter an output type, such as NEU for an outline agreement print. The next screen will show the user a key combination to select from. The following screen offers the user selection fields based on the key combination; the resulting output will show the condition record details that can be changed.

Display Output – Condition Records: Outline Agreement
This transaction is used to display details on a condition record for an output message relating to an outline agreement. The initial screen requires the user to enter an output type, such as NEU for an outline agreement print. The next screen will offer the user a key combination to select from. The following screen offers the user selection fields based on the key combination; the resulting output will display the details of the condition records selected.

Create Output – Condition Records: Scheduling Agreement Release
This transaction is used to create a condition record for output message relating to a scheduling agreement release. The initial screen requires the user to enter an output type, such as LPH1 for a scheduling agreement release print. The next screen will offer the user a key combination to select from. After the selection screen, the user can enter the details to create the condition record, such as partner function, and the medium of the output, for example, fax or EDI.

Change Output – Condition Records: Scheduling Agreement Release
This transaction is used to change details on a condition record for an output message relating to a scheduling agreement release. The initial screen requires the user to enter an output type, such as LPH1 for a scheduling agreement release print. The next screen will show the user a key combination to select from. The following screen offers the user selection fields based on the key combination; the resulting output will show the condition record details that can be changed.

Display Output – Condition Records: Scheduling Agreement Release
This transaction is used to display details on a condition record for an output message relating to a scheduling agreement release. The initial screen requires the user to enter an output type, such as LPH1 for a scheduling agreement release print. The next screen will offer the user a key combination to select from. The following screen offers the user selection fields based on the key combination; the resulting output will display the details of the condition records selected.

Create Output – Condition Records: Service Entry Sheet
This transaction is used to create a condition record for output message relating to a service entry sheet. The initial screen requires the user to enter an output type, such as NEU for a service entry sheet release print. The next screen will offer the user a key combination to select from. After the selection screen, the user can enter the details to create the condition record, such as partner function, and the medium of the output, for example, fax or EDI.

Change Output – Condition Records: Service Entry Sheet
This transaction is used to change details on a condition record for an output message relating to a service entry sheet. The initial screen requires the user to enter an output type, such as NEU for a service entry sheet print. The next screen will show the user a key combination to select from. The following screen offers the user selection fields based on the key combination; the resulting output will show the condition record details that can be changed.

Display Output – Condition Records: Service Entry Sheet
This transaction is used to display details on a condition record for an output message relating to a service entry sheet. The initial screen requires the user to enter an output type, such as NEU for a service entry sheet print. The next screen will offer the user a key combination to select from. The following screen offers the user selection fields based on the key combination; the resulting output will display the details of the condition records selected.

Create Output – Condition Records: Inventory Management
This transaction is used to create a condition record for output message relating to an inventory management movement, such as a goods issue or goods receipt. The initial screen requires the user to enter an output type, such as WE01 for a goods receipt note. The next screen will offer the user a key combination to select from. After the selection screen, the user can enter the details to create the condition record, such as partner function, and the medium of the output, for example, fax or EDI.

Change Output – Condition Records: Inventory Management
This transaction is used to change details on a condition record for an output message relating to an inventory management movement, such as a goods issue or goods receipt. The initial screen requires the user to enter an output type, such as WE01 for a goods receipt note. The next screen will show the user a key combination to select from. The following screen offers the user selection fields based on the key combination; the resulting output will show the condition record details that can be changed.

Display Output – Condition Records: Inventory Management
This transaction is used to display details on a condition record for an output message relating to an inventory management movement, such as a goods issue or goods receipt. The initial screen requires the user to enter an output type, such as WE01 for a goods receipt note. The next screen will offer the user a key combination to select from. The following screen offers the user selection fields based on the key combination; the resulting output will display the details of the condition records selected.

Create Output – Condition Records: Inbound Delivery
This transaction is used to create a condition record for output message relating to an inbound delivery. The initial screen requires the user to enter an output type, such as OPOD for a vendor proof of delivery. The next screen will offer the user a key combination to select from. After the selection screen, the user can enter the details to create the condition record, such as partner function, and the medium of the output, for example, fax or EDI.

Change Output – Condition Records: Inbound Delivery
This transaction is used to change details on a condition record for an output message relating to an inbound delivery. The initial screen requires the user to enter an output type, such as OPOD for a vendor proof of delivery. The next screen will show the user a key combination to select from. The following screen offers the user selection fields based on the key combination; the resulting output will show the condition record details that can be changed.

Display Output – Condition Records: Inbound Delivery
This transaction is used to display details on a condition record for an output message relating to an inbound delivery. The initial screen requires the user to enter an output type, such as OPOD for a vendor proof of delivery. The next screen will offer the user a key combination to select from. The following screen offers the user selection fields based on the key combination; the resulting output will display the details of the condition records selected.

Maintain Approved Manufacturer Parts List
This transaction is used to maintain the manufacturer parts list for a specific material. The initial screen requires that a material number is entered. The detail screen allows the user to enter a manufacturer part number, a manufacturer, plant number, valid to and from dates, and revision number.

Display Approved Manufacturer Parts List
This transaction is used to display the manufacturer parts list for a specific material. The initial screen requires that a material number is entered. The detail screen allows the user to display the details for the manufacturer part numbers associated with a material, including manufacturer, plant number, valid to and from dates, and revision number.

Invoice Menu
This transaction is used to display the invoice menu. The transactions you can access from this menu include document entry, processing transactions, document parking transactions and reports.

Invoice Items Release
This transaction is used to release blocked invoices that were posted. The initial screen shows a number of selection fields that can be entered to restrict the number of invoices to be released. The selection fields include company code, fiscal year, vendor, purchasing group and payment block. The user can allow the transaction to consider all blocking reasons or the user can select one or many blocking reasons.

Display Original Document
This transaction is used to display an invoice verification document. The initial screen requires an invoice verification document, a company code and the fiscal year to be entered. The output shows each line item with the posting key, quantity and amount.

Cancel Invoice Document
This transaction is used to cancel an invoice document. This transaction has been superseded by transaction MR8M. The selection screen requires the user to enter the invoice document number, fiscal year and reversal reason.

Maintain GR/IR Clearing Account
This transaction is used to maintain the goods receipt/invoice receipts account. The transaction is used to monitor purchase orders, as it shows the goods receipts and invoice receipts entered. The report shows when a goods receipt has been made and an invoice has not been received. The initial screen requires the user to enter a company code and posting data, while the report output can be restricted by entering a vendor, purchasing organization, plant, PO date, or order type.

Price Change – Overview Screen
This transaction is used to change the price of a single or number of materials. The new price that is entered for the material will directly change the moving average price or standard price. The initial screen allows the user to enter a posting date, company code, and plant. The detail screen gives the user the opportunity to enter a material, valuation type and new price.

Change Parked Document
This transaction allows the user to make changes to a parked document. If the user knows the document number, then that number should be entered with the company code and fiscal year. The overview screen shows the details of the parked document and changes can be made by switching to the fast data entry mode. An existing line can be changed or a new line can be added by entering a posting key, account number, amount, cost center, and business area.

Display Parked Document
This transaction allows the user to display a parked document. If the user knows the document number then that number should be entered with the company code and fiscal year. The overview screen shows the line items of the parked document including the posting key, account number, amount, cost center, and business area.

Post Parked Document
This transaction is used to post a parked document. If the user knows the document number then that number should be entered with the company code and fiscal year. The overview screen shows the line items of the parked document including the posting key, account number, amount, cost center, and business area. The parked document can be posted from the overview screen.

Cancel Invoice Document
This transaction is used to cancel an invoice document. This transaction has superseded transaction MR08. The selection screen requires the user to enter the invoice document number, fiscal year and reversal reason.

Output Messages in Logistics Invoice Verification
This transaction can be used to produce output for a single or multiple logistics invoice verification documents. The initial screen allows the user to enter a single or range of output types, the transmission medium, and processing mode. The output can be restricted by entering a single or range of invoices, fiscal year, company code, and invoicing party. This transaction is very similar to MR91, but with MR90 it is not possible to restrict the output by document date.

Messages for Invoice Verification
This transaction can be used to produce output for a single or multiple logistics invoice verification documents. The initial screen allows the user to enter a single or range of output types, the transmission medium, and processing mode. The output can be restricted by entering a single or range of invoices, fiscal year, company code, and invoicing party. This transaction is very similar to MR90, but with MR91 it is possible to restrict the output by document date.

Logistics Invoice Verification Menu
This transaction is used to access the Logistics Verification Menu. From this menu it is possible to access transactions on document entry, automatic settlement, GR/IR account maintenance, and archiving.

Create Message: Invoice Verification
This transaction is used to create a condition record for output message relating to invoice verification. The initial screen requires the user to enter an output type, such as INS for an evaluated receipts settlement procedure. The next screen will offer the user a key combination to select from. Following the selection screen, the user can enter the details to create the condition record, such as partner function, and the medium of the output, for example, fax or EDI.

Change Output – Condition Records: Invoice Verification
This transaction is used to change details on a condition record for an output message relating to invoice verification. The initial screen requires the user to enter an output type, such as INS for an evaluated receipts settlement procedure. The next screen will show the user a key combination to select from. The following screen offers the user selection fields based on the key combination; the resulting output will show the condition record details that can be changed.

Display Output – Condition Records: Invoice Verification
This transaction is used to display details on a condition record for an output message relating to invoice verification. The initial screen requires the user to enter an output type, such as INS for an evaluated receipts settlement procedure. The next screen will offer the user a key combination to select from. The following screen offers the user selection fields based on the key combination; the resulting output will display the details of the condition records selected.

Revaluation with Logistics Invoice Verification
This transaction is used to perform revaluation on purchasing documents where there has been a price change. The initial screen requires a purchasing document to be entered.

Reporting on Services (Purchase Requisition)
This transaction is used to display services from purchase requisition documents. The initial selection screen allows the user to enter a service number, and the output can be restricted by entering a purchasing organization, purchasing group, document number or plant. The resulting display shows the activity number, quantity, origin, document number and line item.

Reporting on Services (RFQ)
This transaction is used to display services from request for quotation documents. The initial selection screen allows the user to enter a service number, and the output can be restricted by entering a purchasing organization, purchasing group, document number or plant. The resulting display shows the activity number, quantity, origin, document number and line item.

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